Rolling Bench


Park Bench

We’re pretty confident this is as good you can get, when its comes to personal holders

It Do be good!

The bench is made up of two pieces, when placed flat together fit nicely in your pocket, bag or even worn around your neck with the OG Snuff lanyard (not included). So it’s perfect to use out and about. They are kept tightly in place with a band so items can be stored between the two pieces.

When the two halves of the bench are slotted together, the magic happens and the bench is reveled. It becomes a sturdy surface for whatever you wish to place on it. Trimmed down slots on the top side allow for easier access when removing items, and a slightly protruding corner is perfect for tapping down and compacting (pokey bit). Items can also be placed against the direction of the bench so that either end of your chosen item aren’t enclosed with in the frame of the bench. The under side of the bench has been ergonomically designed so it can comfortably sit on the arm of a sofa or in your lap while seated, as well as being perfectly stable on a flat surface.

Every Bench comes with a band to keep the two half ridged when they are lead flat or standing.

Easy to clean and keep sanitary, as the are no rough or sharp edges for dirt to cling too, or be absorbed by.

Available in many colours, so we are sure we will have the right one for you! (try our UV products under a black light and watch them glow)

Sealed in airtight wrapping to keep sanitary, and sent to your door in discreet unbranded packaging

Original product created by us, for you.

Product specification:

All of our acrylic products are made by us in house, on precision laser cutters. All cut from high quality acrylic, either Perspex®, Irpen®, Acrycril® We only use the best materials and shape them into these fun products. As the products are laser cut from a single piece or acrylic there are no sharp edges or moving parts

Weight: 42.0g

(Length 110mm x Width 50mm (At wides point) Thickness: 3mm) X2
